7:00pm Meeting called to order


Attendance:  Nick Kacinari, Kent Davis, Pat Icardi, Sylvia Anderson, Donna Ditch, Janet Jenkins, Lisa Nichols, Karen Tate, Andy Dahl, Kathy Kindall, Paula Lindsey, Joe Fetzer, Jeff Schreiber, Barb Vasil


Reading of the February minutes was done by Donna Ditch. No discussion. Motion to accept minutes given by Janet Jenkins, seconded by Andy Dahl


Financial Report given by Paula Lindsey:

-          CIF account zeroed out; band account zeroed out (covered expenses for the trip)

-          Hershey candy money still out; Please get the money in asap; Mr. C following up with those students who owe money

-          Motion to accept financial report given by Janet Jenkins, seconded by Donna Ditch


Vocal Updates:

-          District meet this Thursday

-          Concessions for 5/17; choir concert @ Seville

-          Musical is 3/23 – 3/26; concessions for the musical @ Seville

-          Needs to find out what size uniforms are needed for the musical- Andy to follow up


Mr. C Updates:

-          Future suggestions- travel every 3 years; notarize emergency medical forms when going out of state; need a car when travelling

-          Percussion uniforms are not finished; need to follow up and give final date due; Joe, Janet, Kim to follow up

-          9th grade and HS to play at graduation

-          Arts Expo 4/15-16


Florida update:

-          Total expense $63,200; donations and general account and savings account covered part of the cost (approx $10,000 shortfall)

-          Some suggestions were:

-          Start planning earlier and collecting money and fundraising earlier; maybe start designating trip money a year earlier

-          Compare trip prices with different companies and go with best prices


Other upcoming events:

-          5/12 bands in the round

-          Spring concert

-          4/9 OMEA middle school solo & ensemble

-          5/14 jazz band performing at contest and Cedar Point

-          5/14 auction



-          Money needs to be in by 3/28. 

-          Delivery scheduled for 4/11.

-          High school funds going to general fund.


New Business:

-          Rally in the Ally

-          Texas Hold-Em tournament

-          Have band play at functions to earn money

-          New membership drive; an event to host new families/new members

-          Present a slide show to younger kids on what the high school does


8:24pm Motion to adjourn meeting given by Nick Kacinari, seconded by Barb Vasil.

Next meeting Monday April 11, 2011 at 7:00pm.